Faith Formation

Praying Lent

Lent Resources, videos etc. on FORMED
use IC Parish access code 6F8N62

Interactive Lenten Calendar on Formed (For Adults and Children)

Lent: The Complete Guide (Hallow)

What is the Purpose of Lent - Fr. Mike Schmitz

Out of the Box Things to do for Lent

25 Things to Do to Keep Lent - Busted Halo

Reflections on Stations of the Cross - Bishop Robert Barron (Video)

Holy Week as a Family

Archdiocese of Milwaukee Holy Week activities Advent Resources, Prayers, Activities - Loyola Press

Daily Advent Reflections - Bishop Robert Barron

Prayers for Advent

Advent Links from Behold

Four Part Video Series on Advent - Real Life Catholic

Behold Faith Resources

Brother Francis Children’s Advent Videos

Advent Confession Times

The Jesse Tree Reflections

Advent Reflections and Prayers - From My Catholic LifeFORMED - Use IC Parish access code 6F8N62

Who is Jesus - Chris Stefanick

Praying the Rosary - Bishop Robert Barron (Video)

Helpful link for personal and family prayer and faith formation

IC Parish Website

Vancouver Archdiocese

The Vatican

Faith Development Resources

Bishop Barron’s Talk to Catholic Educators in Vancouver

Mass Finder (Click on parish for mass times)

Prayer and Spirituality – Vancouver Archdiocese Link

Home Front Articles by Mrs. Julie VanSpall

Building Catholic Character: 5 Things Parents Can Do

Five Ways Parents Can Engage Children in the Faith

Marriage and Family


Basic Catholic Prayers

The Three Minute Retreat

The Examine Prayer

New American Bible

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Compendium of the Catholic Church (Catechism in simpler language)


Catholic Family Resources

EWTN  - Catholic Television

Bishop Robert Barron - Word on Fire

Bishop Robert Barron - Youtube Channel

Christopher Stefanick - Chosen

Father Mike Schmitz

The Wild Goose Series – The Holy Spirit

Busted Halo

Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life